Executive Leadership Team
Please contact our Executive Leadership Team via email to office@pacificpinesshs.eq.edu.au or call 07 5502 5111.
Executive Principal
Mark Peggrem
| Head of School
Troy Olsen
| Deputy Principal - Year 7 Jess Monroe
|  Deputy Principal - Year 8 Reuben Smith
 Deputy Principal - Year 9
Simon Lydiard
| Deputy Principal - Year 10 Tom Sullivan
Deputy Principal - Year 11 | 
Deputy Principal - Year 12 Marg Tonge
Head of Department staff
Business and Home Economics
| Bridget Gutteridge
| bdenn28@eq.edu.au
Health and Physical Education
| Mitch Montgomery
| mmmon0@eq.edu.au
Creative Industries
| Fiona Salmon
| fsalm3@eq.edu.au
Industrial Design Technology and Technology
| Scott Humphrey
| shump7@eq.edu.au
Whole School Inclusion
| Mahalia Ryan
| mkrya0@eq.edu.au
Reading, Writing & Innovative Learning and Japanese
| Levienne Jones (Tu,Th,F)
| lwarn16@eq.edu.au
Junior (7 & 8) Phase English and Humanities
| Rebecca Pegg
| rpegg0@eq.edu.au
Junior (7 & 8) Phase Mathematics and Science
| Nicole Gilmore
| nagil0@eq.edu.au
Senior Prep (9 & 10) Phase English and Humanities
| Liam McCluskey and Bonnie Sweetser
| llmcc0@eq.edu.au bmswe0@eq.edu.au
Senior Prep (9 & 10) Phase Mathematics and Science
| Jodie Lotz
| jlotz4@eq.edu.au
Senior (11 & 12) Phase English and Humanities
| Serena Paley
| spale4@eq.edu.au
Senior (11 & 12) Phase Mathematics and Science
| Todd Buric
| tburi1@eq.edu.au
Engagement staff
Junior Phase Dean - Year 7
| Miranda Campbell
| mcamp379@eq.edu.au
Dean of Support & Intervention - Year 7
| Julie Barnes
| jmbar5@eq.edu.au
Junior Phase Dean - Year 8
| Alanah McMullan
| amcmu52@eq.edu.au
Dean of Support & Intervention - Year 8
| Suzanne Carlton
| scarl88@eq.edu.au
HOD Engagement & Student Success - Year 7 & 8
| Megan Clayton
| mclay78@eq.edu.au
Senior Preparation Phase Dean - Year 9
| Teagan Lunney
| tlunn13@eq.edu.au
Dean of Support & Intervention - Year 9
| Janine Victor
| jvict5@eq.edu.au
HOD Engagement & Student Success - Year 9
| Luke Basile
| labas0@eq.edu.au
Senior Preparation Phase Dean - Year 10
| Madison Peggrem
| mpegg0@eq.edu.au
Dean of Support & Intervention - Year 10
| Darren Hosie
| djhos0@eq.edu.au
HOD Engagement & Student Success - Year 10
| Emilija Hurley
| extem0@eq.edu.au
Senior Phase Dean - Year 11
| Jamie Gutteridge
| jkrau67@eq.edu.au
Senior Phase Dean - Year 12
| Cassie Beaton
| cbeat28@eq.edu.au
Dean of Support & Intervention - Year 11/12
| Amanda Craig-Sauer
| acrai11@eq.edu.au
HOD Engagement & Student Success - Year 11 & 12
| Julie Paul
| jpaul60@eq.edu.au
Wellbeing Team
For parents and carers who would like to make contact with our Wellbeing Team, please ring our Administration Office on 07 5502 5111 and they can best direct your call to the appropriate contact.
Director of Wellbeing and Engagement
| Tom Sullivan
Guidance Officer (Yr 9 and 10)
| Jaz Shewell
Guidance Officer (Yr 7 and 12)
| Ness Schep
Guidance Officer (Yr 8 and 11)
| El-Marie Chambers
School Psychologist
| Jonas Darby
Out of Home Carer and Student mentor
| Wanda and Sam
Youth Support Coordinator (Yr 9 and 10)
| Matt Egan
Youth Support Coordinator (Yr 7 and 12)
| Adam Flier
Youth Support Coordinator (Yr 8 and 11)
| Chloe Dittmar
School Based Youth Health Nurse (SBYHN)
| Barbs Rehlicki
Community Education Counsellor (First Nations)
| Paige Parnell