
Vocational education


​​​​​​​​​​​​Vocational Education Office

Our Industry Liaison Officer is located within the school grounds in the Learning Hub. Appointments can be made with our Industry Liaison Officer by phoning our Administration Office on 5502 5111 or email 

Useful forms and information:

​Careers Festival 2024


School Based Traineeship/Apprenticeship (SAT)

A SAT (PDF, 235KB) allows students the opportunity to combine their schooling with a Vocational Education Qualification which is usually Certificate III level and also gain practical experience in the workplace with an employer on a paid basis. 

This program allows students to in some cases start their career whilst at school, but in most cases students complete a traineeship to gain experience in a working environment of their choice. Examples of industries include: hospitality, building, tourism, business in a physio/legal firm, Retail and many more. 
Students and parents are welcome as well, meet with the school Careers Advisor; Mrs Henningsen at school and discuss options of what they may like to do and where they would like to be in their future.

The traineeships usually goes for a duration of 12 months, but the program is competency based which means however quickly the student finishes their theory and their 375 practical hours involved in the traineeship, then the student can complete and look at doing something else!

The student is allowed to take one day a week off of school to go to the workplace to complete their practical hours. This day is the same day each week and consists through the school holidays until the 50 shifts are completed. Students can also complete extra days on weekends and school holidays as negotiated between student, parent and employer. The release day is negotiated between; the employer, parent, student and school to identify a day which suits all parties. 

Parties involved in a SAT

·         The student
·         The parent/guardian
·         A representative from the school (usually careers advisor)
·         The employer (employs the student for the traineeship)
·         The training organization (provides students with Certificate III theory training)
·         AASN (Australian Apprenticeship Support NetworksCompletes the government contract for funding allocations

SAT Application

To apply for SAT’s, students are required to give their careers officer a resume which will be forwarded to employers for expression of interest in the traineeship/apprenticeship which has been identified.

All students who enrol into a course/traineeship/apprenticeship require a USI number. This number logs any Certificate studies students undertake from now on and Training providers will ask for this number. Please read How to get your USI.

Please read User Choice Program Funding (PDF, 264KB) as it is very important to understand the government funding allocated to you which this uses for future courses you may wish to do.

It is important that all SAT’s are completed no later than October of the students year 12 for the points to be counted towards their year 12 QCE and it may effect funding if continued after this.


Year 11 and 12 VET qualifications delivered onsite for Applied Pathway students include:

Please see 2023 Senior Subject Book for more information on the below qualifications as well as external VET qualifications eg TAFE.

Certificate IV Dance (CUA40120) RTO PPSH
Certificate III Business (BSB30120) RTO PPSH
Certificate III Active Volunteering (CHC34015) RTO PPSH
Certificate II Workplace Skills (BSB20120) RTO PPSH
Certificate II in Skills for Work & Vocational Pathways (FSK20119) RTO PPSH
Certificate II Tourism (SIT20116) RTO PPSH
Certificate II Sport & Rec/Certificate III Fitness (SIS20115/SIS30315)
Diploma of Business (BSB50120)
Certificate IV in Crime & Justice (10971NAT)
Certificate III Aviation - Remote Pilot (AVI30419)
Certificate II Sport & Rec/Certificate III Fitness (SIS20115/SIS30315)
Certificate I in Construction (CPC10120)
Certificate II Sampling & Measurement (MSL20118)


Year 11 and 12 VET qualifications delivered onsite for ATAR Pathway students include:

Please see 2023 Senior Subject Book for more information on the below qualifications.

Certificate IV Dance (CUA40120) RTO PPSH
Certificate III Business (BSB30120) RTO PPSH
Certificate III Active Volunteering (CHC34015) RTO PPSH
Diploma of Business (BSB50120)
Certificate IV in Crime & Justice (10971NAT)
Certificate III Aviation - Remote Pilot (AVI30419)
Certificate II Sport & Rec/Certificate III Fitness (SIS20115/SIS30315)​

Last reviewed 24 January 2025
Last updated 24 January 2025