
Senior school


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Senior P​hase​​

Year 11 and 12 Subject Information and Selection​

​​Year 11 and 12 Assessment Calendar

Subject offering

The information below, and included in the resource section, is there to guide your student to make appropriate subject selections for years 11 and 12. The selection of subjects should be made only after much consideration, as the decisions made may have a major influence on the student's career and future. 

To assist students in the selection of appropriate subjects, we have put together the Subject Information Video which includes the subjects, a description of what units are within the subject as well as a description of what career pathways will benefit from the subject.

To meet the needs of students with a wide range of abilities and interest, this school offers a diverse range of subjects that can be divided into categories:

General subjects

General subjects are suited to students who are interested in pathways beyond secondary schooling that lead to tertiary studies and to pathways for vocational education and training and work. Results in general subjects contribute to the award of a QCE and may contribute to an ATAR. Eligibility for an ATAR will require satisfactory completion of a QCAA English subject.

General syllabuses course overview

General syllabuses are developmental four-unit courses of study.

Units 1 and 2 provide foundational learning, allowing students to experience all syllabus objectives and begin engaging with the course subject matter. It is intended that Units 1 and 2 are studied as a pair. Assessment in Units 1 and 2 provides students with feedback on their progress in a course of study and contributes to the award of a QCE.

Students should complete Units 1 and 2 before starting Units 3 and 4.

Units 3 and 4 consolidate student learning. Assessment in Units 3 and 4 is summative and student results contribute to the award of a QCE and to ATAR calculations.

Year 11 and 12 General Subjects include:

Accounting, Ancient History, Biology, Chemistry, Drama, General English, Literature, Health, Japanese, General Mathematics, Mathematics Methods, Specialist Mathematics, Modern History, Geography, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Design, Digital Solutions, Visual Art, Geogr​aphy, Business, Psychology and Film, Television and New Media.

Applied subjects

Applied subjects are suited to students who are primarily interested in pathways beyond senior secondary schooling that lead to vocational education and training or work. Results in applied subjects contribute to the award of a QCE and one applied subject result may contribute to an ATAR.

Applied syllabuses course overview

Applied syllabuses are developmental four-unit courses of study.

Units 1 and 2 of the course are designed to allow students to begin their engagement with the course content, i.e. the knowledge, understanding and skills of the subject. Course content, learning experiences and assessment increase in complexity across the four units as students develop greater independence as learners.

Units 3 and 4 consolidate student learning. Results from assessment in Applied subjects contribute to the award of a QCE and results from Units 3 and 4 may contribute as a single input to ATAR calculation.

A course of study for Applied syllabuses includes core topics and elective areas for study.

Year 11 and 12 Applied Subjects include:

Early Childhood Studies, Essential English, Essential Mathematics , Furnishing Skills, Building and Construction, Hospitality Practices, Media Arts in Practice, Social and Community Studies, Tourism, Sport & Recreation, Dance in Practice, Visual Arts in Practice and Drama in Practice.

Vocational Education and Training Subjects (VET)

These subjects lead to a nationally recognized vocational qualification, usually a Certificate I or above. These subjects provide both theoretical and practical skills and may require students to participate in work experience during their studies. 

Year 11 and 12 VET subjects for Applied students include

Certificate I Construction (CPC10120), Certificate II Workplace Skills (BSB20120), Certificate II for Skills in Work and Vocational Pathways (VSK20119)

Other Courses for ATAR​ and Applied Students include:

Diploma of Business (BSB50120), Certificate IV in​ Crime and Justice (10283NAT), Certificate II Fitness/III Sport and Recreation (SIS20115/SIS30315), Certificate III Aviation (Remote Pilot) Visual Line of Sight (AVI30419). 

Please see 2025 Senior Subject Selection Booklet for course costs.

For all other external Certificate courses, please contact our Industry Liaison Officer on​.

Last reviewed 18 March 2025
Last updated 18 March 2025