Pacific Pines State High School Executive Leadership Team from left to right: Jess Monroe (Deputy Principal - Year 7), Reuben Smith (Deputy Principal - Year 8), Simon Lydiard (Deputy Principal - Year 9), Troy Olsen (Head of School), Mark Peggrem (Principal), Chris Bell (Deputy Principal - Year 11), Tom Sullivan (Deputy Principal - Year 10), and Marg Tonge (Deputy Principal - Year 12).
Message from Principal, Mark Peggrem
Pacific Pines State High School is school of choice for a large number of families in the northern Gold Coast region. It is a rapidly growing, friendly and safe school with world class facilities where strong relationships exist between staff, parents and students. We believe that these relationships underpin the teaching and learning journey which in turn creates a strong, positive school culture.
At Pacific Pines State High School, we instil a sense of personal and collective integrity in our students which will serve them well throughout their lives. In conjunction with our families, we nurture our students with a sense of purpose and a clear set of behavioural standards and lifelong values. These expectations mean that every child brings a laptop, is neatly attired in their respective phase of learning uniform including school bag and hat, follows the non-visible mobile phone policy, and is ready to work hard.
Students enter Pacific Pines State High School as one of three phases of education – Junior (Years 7 and 8), Senior Preparation (Years 9 and 10) or Senior (Years 11 and 12). Students in each of these phases study the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, and Humanities. The Senior school study Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), applied and general subjects and/or certificate courses whilst also attending subjects which are run by faculties such as HPE, The ARTS, Technology and Business.
Leadership in this school for students is driven by our three Leadership Teams (each phase has a leadership team) complimented by collective student voice. Leadership for staff is driven by the Executive Principal, Head of School, six Deputy Principals, and 16 Heads of Department which we refer to as our Leadership Team. This team meets four times per week to discuss strategically relevant issues that relate to the Strategic Plan, AIP, big four priorities (Pedagogy, Curriculum, Inclusion and Positive Behaviour for Learning). This leadership group also collaboratively unpacks the strategic plan for delivery, devises smarter ways of working and solves problems of practice that arise during the year. Staff are also encouraged to raise issues with their Heads of Department during the term in faculty/phase meetings.
Pacific Pines State High School has a strong commitment to our staff’s ongoing professional development, with an emphasis on staff working with and lessons being quality assured by Heads of Department on a “Our whole school approach to pedagogy”. This approach enables staff to consistently provide students with immediate feedback, collaborative learning environments, and is thinking skills focused rather than content driven. This approach enables students to improve their level of achievement, engagement and enjoyment in their respective subjects.
This has culminated in high levels of academic performance and behavioural standards for our students across all year levels. We have launched collaborative teacher learning teams for 2025 which will meet weekly on a Wednesday afternoon with students finishing school each Wednesday at 1:20pm. The purpose of these collaborative meetings, which are student data prefaced, is to enable staff to discuss pedagogical improvement towards either individually identified students or group of students, leading to student improvement.
There are many other interesting and amazing aspects to our school which you will discover as you make your way through this website. On behalf of myself, our Executive Leadership Team, and our 200 committed staff members, I would like to welcome you to our fabulous school.
Mark Peggrem