Download the full
2025 Pacific Pines State High School Schedule of Fees here.Student Resource Scheme
Download the SRS 2025 form for Years 7 - 12 here.
The Student Resource Scheme covers a range of items including resources, textbooks and consumables. For the full list of inclusions per year level and Centre of Excellence program, please download the respective form here:
The Student Resource Scheme does not cover the Stationery List which families are recommended to purchase separately to the Student Resource Scheme.
Recommended stationery list for all year levels:
- 1x A4 exercise book per subject
- 2x blue, black and red pens
- 1x pencil, sharpener and eraser
- 1x plastic ruler
- 1x highlighter
- 1x 1x Casio fx-8200AU Scientific Calculator
- 1x USB stick - 32gb or higher
- 1x pencil case
- 1x diary (if desired)
Payment Options
NOTE: PPSH no longer accepts CASH payments.
Student Resource Scheme Fee can be broken down in instalments of weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
These can be set up from Bank Accounts and Credit Cards and made directly to the students invoice.
Please contact Finance Office on 07 55025130 to set up your individual plan.
To make a payment over the telephone please call 1300 631 073 and follow the instructions.
Please note: Telephone payments cannot be made at Finance Office.
CENTREPAY – Payment using your Centrelink/Family Tax Benefit funds.
Fortnightly deductions from these payments can be set up via Finance Office.
All completed forms must be returned to the Finance Office. Please do NOT send your form directly to Centrelink. The finance office will record your payment preference and submit the form digitally on your behalf.
PAYMENT BY INTERNET BANKING/DIRECT CREDIT – Direct payment into school bank account
Bank – Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account Name – Pacific Pines State High School General Account
BSB – 064-474
Account Number – 10072737
Payment Description: Student EQ ID number or Invoice number
It is very important that you are accurate with your payment description. If we cannot identify your student or what you are paying for, we cannot allocate the payment correctly.
Please note – to ensure payment reaches the school's bank account prior to the payment cut-off date, all internet bank payments must be made no later than 48 hours prior to the cut-off date/time.
Payment through your internet banking can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
PAYING IN PERSON – Payment by Credit Card, EFTPOS, Cheque
Payments can be made at the Payment Window during office opening hours of Wednesday 8.30am to 2.00pm