Is your student starting Year 7 with us at Pacific Pines State High School in 2025? Once you have completed and submitted your enrolment paperwork to our Administration office and officially enrolled at Pacific Pines State High School, there’s a few more steps to make sure your student is ready for day one.
We’ve collated a list of essential information for you to go through to make sure your student is ready day one.
Ensure you read through each of these headings and visit the website links with more details.
What will day one/ week one look like?
We believe in hitting the ground running and have found that the quicker students establish a routine, the more successful they are at transitioning into high school. Students will start day one in the Hall where they will be sorted into their Homebase classes. They will then have a short time with their Homebase teachers to go over some of the basics of day-to-day life, and then they will begin attending normal classes by period two of that day.
Over the course of the week, students will be ‘onboarded’ to our school internet, and will continue to learn about how to use One Note and Daymap. For the first few days, teachers will help students find their way around the school, but it only takes a few days and students will feel confident moving around campus. Students will be supported over the whole term through specifically designed Homebase content to ensure they are comfortable and supported throughout the year.
Uniform Shop
Stationery List
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Information
Key Year 7 Contacts
QParents will be used for permission forms, viewing academic records, invoice payments, viewing your student’s timetable and more from Friday 7 February 2025. If your current primary school does not use QParents you can download the app to get started, but you will not be able to verify your identification until your student is made active on their first day of school in 2025. Download the QParents app on Apple or Android.
Centre of Excellence Information and Application Dates
Did your student miss out on applying for our Centre of Excellence programs? They will be able to apply in Week 1 of Term 1, 2025. Keep an eye out on our Facebook and Instagram page which will announce when applications are open. Key Dates in Term 4, 2024
Make sure you remind your friends whose students are in Year 6 and enrolling to Pacific Pines State High School in Year 7 2025 to get their enrolment in ASAP. To make sure your student can attend Transition Day this year, an enrolment pack needs to be fully completed and submitted to Administration by Thursday 7 November 2024.
Transition Day will be held on Wednesday 27 November 2024 where permission forms will come through your primary school for your student to attend.
Student Resource Scheme (SRS) Discount
Our Finance Office has recently invoiced the 2025 Student Resource Scheme (SRS). If paying before 15 November 2024 please only pay $300 to receive the $25 discount.
Subjects in Year 7
All year 7 students’ study 6 subjects per semester and each subject has four 55 minute lessons a week. The following four core subjects for the whole year – English, Humanities (Civics, Geography and History), Maths and Science. There are four elective subjects that are studied for 6 months, two each semester.
These subjects are Arts (Music, Media, Dance, Drama, Visual Art), Japanese, Technology and Health and Physical Education. If students are in a Centre of Excellence elective, this means they will study this elective for the whole year and this will impact the study of one of the other electives.
Class Times
Usual school hours are from 8:45am - 2:45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Please note, Wednesday is an early finish where student's depart school after Period 4 finishes.
Student Code of Conduct and Uniform Policy
At Pacific Pines State High School, we take pride in the positive behaviour of our students and upholding our school values.
The QKR App is used for online purchases for the canteen, school events (musical, dance night, drama night) and other miscellaneous items. Click the appropriate link to download the QKR App on Apple or Android. Canteen